Defining Home in 140 Characters or Less: The Road Home in Paperback!

With The Road Home just out in paperback, we asked people to define "Home" in tweet-able sized portions.We quickly ran out of paperbacks to give away, but you can order them from wherever books are sold, or by following this link.There were a lot of profound answers, not many with a sense of humor, but that's ok.Here are just a few of the responses we received:

"Feet find ground, heart space flourishes, popcorn."-Lisa, New York"When you can't hold on any more, when you've white-knuckled it for far too long, letting go feels like coming home."-Shannon, Illinois"The place we keep returning to."-Frank, Dublin, Ireland "It's not where you live but how you choose to live!"Cecilia, New Hampshire"Home is the right attitude that you hold in your heart, not an actual place found on a map."-Deborah, New York"A hearth of the heart - where each new threshold offers an invitation & affirmation that life needed us & wanted us to be - filled with creativity, courage & compassion"-Ro, Missouri"Home is the place where the love I send out reflects back to me with fewest obstructions."Michael, New York"Home is this moment."-Jaysen, California"Home is the place where we celebrate the present moment, drop everything on the spot and relax"-Nich, location unknown'Home is the place where I know exactly where to hang my son's latest drawing of an octopus saying "A good day for a pipe"'-Ditte, Denmark"Home: when I fully trust the moment, and, one breath at a time, myself in it."-Mary, California"Home is knowing that there is a way to continue on no matter what."-Vivian, New York"A place of calm, from where I observe the world. Peering through the dusty windows of my mind."-Ray, location unknown"Because you live HERE, you're home already."-Carolyn, New York"Home is replenish, restore, exhale, no striving, no fabrication, simply being, hearth and heart, eat, sleep, sit, read, be nourished, laugh, cry"-Elisabeth, Nova Scotia"Home is not a place. Home is this messy, well-lived-in open-hearted being that I inhabit. Always striving to keep the lights on and the welcome mat well swept."-Karen, New York"Home is every mindful detour to retrieve breath and gratitude on an otherwise mindless commute."-Brendan, location unknown"Pause, breathe in, breathe out. Mind calm, body relaxed. I am home. I have come home to myself."-Catherine, location unknown"Home: the place where you are free and renewed, where you forgive and are forgiven."-Kestrel, Massachusetts


7-Point Practice Plan for Engaged Mindfulness in 2017


Thank You, Bernie.